How can I eat healthy in pregnancy?

Today I share an acronym that I recently learned while in a childbirth education class that I think will help you in striving to remember to eat healthy during pregnancy!

Link to my course Positive Pregnancy Program: which is a self led video course for helping you mentally when you are SO sick and miserable while being pregnant

Here is the Facebook Page for Pregnancy is hard: I have documented my journey of my fourth baby on this page and have other juicy and good tips for enjoying pregnancy better.

Here is the Pregnancy is Hard Support Group on Facebook: Let’s offer support, help and fun for those in the trenches of pregnancy!

Here is my Facebook Page for the Meliora Mentor Podcast: I do frequent live (short) videos of thoughts and tools to implement from the podcast

Here is my instagram:


Here is my YouTube: (Encouragement put into easy to access playlists!)

E-mail me at:

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3 Ways to Increase Your Capacity to Have Fun After Pregnancy